Child Evangelism Fellowship South Africa

Good News Clubs

What is a Good News Club®?

It is a weekly Bible club for children during the school year. The children are taught by Christians who genuinely know and love the Lord Jesus and are concerned for the spiritual needs of children.

Boys and girls are generally between the ages of 4 to 12 yrs and they gather to sing choruses, learn Bible verses, focus on missionaries, compete in a quiz and be taught a visualised Bible lesson.

At Good News Clubs children have the opportunity to receive consistent teaching from the Word of God.

What are the aims?

To provide teaching for the saved child and to encourage spiritual growth, to clearly present the message of the gospel and to supplement the work of the local church by reaching the unreached children. To channel these children into the local church.

When and Where?

Good News Clubs are held regularly each week and the club lasts approximately one hour, after school or early evening. The clubs meet mainly in the welcoming atmosphere of homes but other meeting places can be community halls, mission halls, schools and church halls.

How can you help?

You can help by becoming a Good News Club leader, responsible for the club program, as a hostess opening your home and inviting the children, as a helper assisting with the program without having the main responsibility, as a prayer partner praying for the clubs, the teachers and the children who attend.

Experienced CEF workers can provide training and help you get started. Ready-to-use programs and sets of materials are available. If you would like to start or be involved in a CEF Good News Club, please send us an email with "Good News Club" in the subject line, giving us your name, address and church connection and we will be in touch. To email us click here.

Alternatively, you may want to contact your local CEF worker about this.
To find your nearest CEF worker click here.

For more information about becoming a Good News Club prayer partner click here.

For more information about Good News Club material click here.